Customer Service Management SolutionFlamingo SCCSmart Contact Center
Intellectualized strategic consultation to meet costumers’ needs.We provide a flexible environment that allows expansion to various services for softphone, customer consultation and recorded data management, and other modules for optimized consultations.
Why is customer contact management necessary?
Different consultant for every visit/call
Different consultants assigned for every single visit
There may be inconvenience of re-explaining the details if the consultation is ongoing (no continuity)
Change of occupation/eresignation of consultants
Change of occupation or resignation of consultants due to pregnancy, child care, health issues, etc.
In the case where resignation is inevitable due to the relocation of the company.
Absent/unmanaged response manual that consultants can refer to
Existence of infrastructure (IPX, CTI, Recording, etc.), Absence of consultant reference system.
Consultants take responsibility for complaints on the quality of consultation of customers.
No outcome/management environment regarding consultation (in the manager point of view)
Difficult to check improvement points due to lack of digitization of performance (number of visitors and phone reception) data management, trend analysis, performance analysis and analysis on customer reception effect
Flow Chart
Smart Customer Center, a call center consultation solution, improves the quality of customer service and minimizes customer grievances.
System concept map
System building plan may vary according to the client’s environment
Product Inquiry
SRPOSTtries its best to always deliver quick and accurate information.
The person in charge of product and service inquiries is as follows.